Lucky Strike and the Pan Pacific…

Two Campbell purse seiners the Pan Pacific and the Lucky Strike tied next to each other at “B” street in San Diego. A very common site in the 70’s to see Tuna Boats tied double next to each other. Photo from the Scafidi family. I could always use more pictures please send yours in . [email protected]

One Reply to “Lucky Strike and the Pan Pacific…”

  1. My Dad was an engineer on a tuna clipper out of San Diego in the late 40s. That was a time before the seiners were in the fleet. One of the greatest treats in my young life was going with him on the boat between San Pedro and San Diego and sleeping in the tiny cabin in the upper bunk. I recall me and my Mother talking to him on the shortwave radio when he would be out at sea. I'm glad to know that at least some part of this industry is still alive in San Diego.

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